
Archive for the ‘Graduation Medals’ Category

Versatile Custom Ribbon Medals

08/09/2011 Comments off

Every one likes to receive recognition for our achievements. We can get accolades for doing well at work, running a marathon, volunteering, helping others, excelling in academia and countless other ways. The form of the accolades can vary as much as the reason for the accolade. One of the most commonly used methods for commending an individual or group is a medal of honor.

It is many children’s (and adults) dream to win blue ribbon medals. The blue ribbon has always symbolized the ultimate achievement for any competition. Whether it was for raising the best lamb or for baking the best apple pie. You had to be the best to gain such an honor. The respect that could come from such a seemingly small item expresses how custom medals are very significant representations of achievements.

Award medals are not limited to the simple ribbon medals. Depending upon the occasion there can be any number of custom medals that are created for individual circumstances. It is common that at the end of a sporting event that an alloy medal (gold, silver, bronze or any other metallic material) would be presented to finishers. These custom medals are trophies to prove an individual’s performance. Custom medals are also memory keepers in that they provide substantial memorabilia for one’s achievements.

Our accomplishments can be awarded by receiving the acclaim of others and in the physical presentation of an award medal. The action of receiving a physical representation of recognition of our significant feat makes the appreciation of others more noticeable. The impact of being called out for deeds can make the desire to continue to improve and make differences soar. It can also drive others to try to achieve more when they see the acclaim that awards attain.

Custom award medals are amazing tools for making people feel that they are being noticed for their achievements and improvements. Awards are versatile in that they can cover a broad spectrum needs. They can be created for large groups (like race events) or for significant individuals (like scholarships). Our desire to strive for improvement can be heightened by our desire for positive attention. Award ribbons are excellent methods for expressing appreciation to driven groups and individuals.

The honor that accompanies the attainment of a medal always outlasts the medal itself. However, the medal always represents that feeling of honor and acceptance. The tangible item that always carries such positive energy is a wonderful expression of appreciation from others. We cannot help but feel pleased to be called out and handed items that express the regard of others. Award medals are ideal carriers of such expressions of achievement. Ribbon medals and awards are excellent items for any occasion to show appreciation.